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Health Care


How do you want to participate? 

By joining our mailing list, you will find out about many different opportunities. Whether it is attending a rally, asking your political leaders to co-sponsor a piece of legislation, or contacting voters in other districts to encourage them to support or oppose legislation, there are many different ways to take action.

Health Care

OFA Marin has longstanding experience working for passage of Obamacare and defending it against Republican efforts to end it or tamper with it. Our work is part of national and regional coalitions.


Working closely with local partners (the Canal Alliance, Multi-Cultural Center of Marin, and Marin Leadership Network), we follow the issues and our members take action.

Gun Violence Prevention

We stay informed and work closely with Marin Moms Demand Action and other local gun prevention groups. We forward information to our members so they can take action.

Gun Violence Prevention
Electing Progressives

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